Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Time!

It's Christmas at last! The hot fudge sauce is made and perfuming the house; the cookies are in the car waiting for tonight's festivities, and the counter and tables are set for tomorrow's Swedish Smorgasbord. It's official: Christmas if my favorite time of year!

With a second place ribbon in place from Mom's wonderful gingerbread house, and 3,983 cookies distributed throughout our network of lucky friends and neighbors; it's time to wonder what is next on the baking horizon.

But that will have to wait; because even though I have plenty of cupcake ideas zooming through my mind and a contest I hope to enter; for now it's time to look forward to the next 36 hours. Dinners, presents, cardamom bread and... to top it all off; Snow Pudding. The custard-sauce topped, light and fluffy Jello-like dessert that i could eat all year long, yet get to eat only during this week between Christmas and New Year's.

So, as I try to relax and break my brain away from schoolwork, the ever-present plethora of innovative ideas inside my head, and my yearnings and dreams that lie in Portland, I wish everyone; especially hard-working college students like myself; a family-centered, surprising, yummy and merry Christmas!

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