Monday, November 29, 2010

Bread, Vacation, Gingerbread and thoughts about food.

Two weeks is such a short period of time, but can take so long at times, and fly by at others. In the last two weeks of my life, I finished a great bread lab and another chapter of my college career (let alone what was probably my last hand-on lab class), and brought home boxes of bread that no one even had time to enjoy because my parents and I got on a plane bound for Portland at 6:20 the next morning.
Then came a whirlwind of bakery visits, walking, train-travel, and great meals; all of which sounded ridiculous when I retold the five days of travel at the Thanksgiving table. Yet there was still so much more I would have liked to see.
Now, stuffed with two weeks of great food; Mom and I teamed up to assemble and decorate our first real gingerbread house; a traditional Irish cottage dressed in simple, religious decor amidst the rainy climate and strong traditions. Meanwhile, a some-what solemn baking frenzy has commenced, with a realization that the cookie marathon Mom and I have kept a tradition for 11 years has gotten too big to continue, and the boxes of cookies will be smaller this year, with the freezer already full of other baked goods.
But there is still a lot left to be done; and not enough time to do it in.
And yet, part of me wants to be back in Portland. At home, or in Portland, not back to school tomorrow; where my hard work will be put to tests and essays, and not to creating the new & innovative baked goods that pop into my head daily.
The struggles of an aspiring baker!
And now; some pictorial food for thought to drool over!
Warm, flaky croissants from Advanced Breads

A cute, harmless alligator that you get to eat!

"Quinoa-crusted diver scallops perched on top of wilted spinach and potato-parsnip purée, with golden beet and crabmeat "cannelloni, and a duet of red beet and passionfruit reductions" (

"ANTICUCHO DE POLLO marinated chicken kebobs, served with a spicy salsa de rocoto" (

Braised Veal Shank with ajus, garbanzo bean puree and chanterelle mushrooms

Voodoo Doughnuts display of deliciousness!

Gingerbread Irish Cottage

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