Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter blues

I know. I haven't published in over a month. But, by now, I hope you know me; I like to blog when I have something to talk about. Or just because I want to have something to talk about.
The ladder is true today.
Here I am, in my 8 by 10 dorm room on a snowy Friday; with all my plans and aspirations blown away into the dancing flakes. I'm starting to get sick. Physically and... emotionally? No need to worry; just a cold and some New Englanditis. i'm so done with snow. On the one hand, I can't believe it's almost February of my sophomore year already. On the other hand; I can't wait to hop a plane to Oregon in like six weeks. Then I start feeling guilty that I'll be on the other side of the country from home for at least 3 months.
So, you might see why I'm a bit down in the dumps and questioning my every move.
Sometimes I'm afraid i'm growing up to fast.
But most of the time; I want to just get to opening that bakery I've been wanting since I was five.
I don't know.

To make things worse, I'm trying to recover my favorite recipes from memory; because i forgot to do what I tell everyone else to; backup my computer. It's a Mac; why should it ever fail? But, alas; one day it worked, and the next day- my hard drive was failing and my data inaccessible.

So, I'm sorry to tell you I don't have a new recipe for you. I'm spending my weekend trying to pry the recipes I entered into the Scharffen Berger Cupcake Adventure Contest, Saffron Velvet Cupcakes and Coconut Mocha Steamers; out of my brain stores. At least I have my basic recipes to work off of! And I have another new idea in the works. Cupcakes are good; but this might be better!

But, all that will have to wait for another time. Right now; I've got an internship to finalize and housing to find. But, it's sure good to get all my thoughts out there.

i'm always on the hunt for ideas; if you have recently tried a dessert you've loved; please tell me about it! You never know what kind of spin I'll put on it!

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