Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cake That's Worth It

It's 2 Days before i turn 19 and 4 dyas before my "new life"  begins in Oregon. So why have I spent the last 6 hours baking and not pakcing? For one thing, it's nearly impossible for me to go a day without baking something. For another, i had a cake to bake for my grandma's birthday today.
Unfortunately,m today was the second time I made the vanilla cake layers. Lesson learned: no more double recipes!
I went for a flower theme; frosting the cupcakes in yello9w, lemony frosting (which unfortunately looks curdled, but it adds to the natural appeal), and the layer cake in rich, fudgy frosting.
I took it seriously; this is probably the last time I will make a cake at home, at least before i start making them in high production at Bliss Bakeshop. I even went all-out; with modeling chocolate roses that required some creativity to color. The only unfortunate thing is that I never made a ckae this good during my practical. But then, it's just as well; at least I know who gets to enjoy it this time.
Here's to my last weekend at home; last weekend of meat, and last weekend of being 18. A pretty good way to do it! Now, if only I would get an email from Scharfeen Berger...

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