Friday, February 19, 2010

Blueliciousness! What you discover when you take an ice cream class

So I know I said that I was trying to make cookies that represented each state in the country. I might still continue with that (I mean I've made like 10 or 15 of them already so why stop now?). But I've got more ideas. Which is probably a bad thing. It springs from a class called Hot and Cold Desserts and, so far, we've only done the cold side of things. In other words, ice cream. I know, dangerous. Anyway, in the midst of trying to find new and interesting flavors, my partner decides he wants to make blueberry ice cream. Loaded with vanilla, whole and juice blueberries, and creamy flavor that any French-style ice cream should have, it is heaven. And, it's sitting in my freezer. Oops! How did that get there? Between the occasional spoonfuls of this heaven, and thinking about the Baked Alaskas we will be making with it, a new idea has surfaced. State ice creams. Yum! A new project is in the works. If only now I could make a deal with the ice cream man at the beach. Who needs snoopy pops when you can have soft serve blueberry, maple, or brown butter ice cream. Yes, I said brown butter ice cream. Smooth, fruity, sweet creamyness hitting the tongue. It almost makes up for the glares I get from my classmates. There are nearly too many options. It's a good thing that I'm going away for Spring Break, as there wouldn't be enough room in the freezer.

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