Thursday, January 28, 2010

A look inside life at Johnson and Wales

From what was, for me, quite an unknown world of pies, to something I know almost too well, cookies. It's onto a new lab. But first, as look at all the deliciousness and creativity I stirred up during the last nine days of my lab. After all, today was just a day of the basics- chocolate chip cookies, ginger cookies, peanut butter... i could (and I had the chance) to whip them up on my own any day. Yesterday, that was a different ball game. But unlike sports, it was quite the enjoyable experience.
From apple, to blueberry, to strawberry chiffon (my favorite), to cream, to turtle, too... Oh yeah! pumpkin, pecan, and endless other possibilities, and a variety of cutesy tartlets. Yum!
But not all pies and tarts are alike. There's your average apple pie, and then there're the ones infused with nuts, spiked with rum, and paired with unusual flavors. There's cream pie, and then there's Duh Mocha Banana Cream Pie.
There's store bought crust, and then there's homemade crust...
You catch my drift.
Take a look at this mouthwatering photo video. Try to keep your tongue in your mouth though. If you are not in a dorm room and therefore have quick access to a kitchen, you might want to consider whipping up a midnight snack for yourself. There is nothing like a piece of whole fruit to start your rest off right. Ok, so that fruit might be cooked and wrapped in flakey, buttery crust, but it's so good, who really cares?
Yes, that's life here at culinary school. Splurge your taste buds for a few days, then have to drag yourself to the gym three days in a row.
But it's the good life. At least while you are working intensely in the lab. At the dorm, space is too tight, living is less then fair, and the atmosphere and roommate relationships change from day to day. Just when there was going to be a quiet Thursday, music blasts in the room and headaches spring out of nowhere.
This is when my own kitchen would be nice. Instead, I can only concoct recipes to be made sometime in the future. Or not.
That's all for now, recipes and more college stories to come.

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