Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cake That's Worth It

It's 2 Days before i turn 19 and 4 dyas before my "new life"  begins in Oregon. So why have I spent the last 6 hours baking and not pakcing? For one thing, it's nearly impossible for me to go a day without baking something. For another, i had a cake to bake for my grandma's birthday today.
Unfortunately,m today was the second time I made the vanilla cake layers. Lesson learned: no more double recipes!
I went for a flower theme; frosting the cupcakes in yello9w, lemony frosting (which unfortunately looks curdled, but it adds to the natural appeal), and the layer cake in rich, fudgy frosting.
I took it seriously; this is probably the last time I will make a cake at home, at least before i start making them in high production at Bliss Bakeshop. I even went all-out; with modeling chocolate roses that required some creativity to color. The only unfortunate thing is that I never made a ckae this good during my practical. But then, it's just as well; at least I know who gets to enjoy it this time.
Here's to my last weekend at home; last weekend of meat, and last weekend of being 18. A pretty good way to do it! Now, if only I would get an email from Scharfeen Berger...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Anticipation in Numbers

It's not easy being a pastry student. I'm not talking about the work, the stress, the exhaustion, though those can be tough too. I'm talking about all the food; the inspiration, the cravings, the antsy feeling you get at future opportunities, dreams and creations that are close to bursting your head open!

That's me right now. In three weeks, I'll be 19. In 21 days I'll be flying to Portland. In 28 days I'll be starting my internship in Portland. In 28 days I'll be starting a vegan adventure.

Whew! So you see why I might be a little jittery right now! On one hand; I'm ready for something new; something that is not sitting in a classroom and listening to lectures that have very little to do with my future; something that will teach me real-world techniques and get my body immersed in commercial baking. I'm excited to get a feel for living on my own and to hopefully start a regiment that might actually work to keep me healthy. Excited to explore a new city and be close to one of my bff's.

On the other hand there is all the "what if's"... need I say more?

And in the meantime, I have papers to write, plans to make, housing to find and so much hunger and longing in my mind.

My sweet tooth isn't helping!

Last weekend, I bought a great book, by the same author of a vegan cookie book I love, and have literally had to keep myself from flipping through every delicious page. Instead, I looked at the picture section and tried to remind myself that I plan to save it for the plane; the flight on which my new life will start. We'll see how long that lasts!

That leads me to this recipe; not one that I've created, since the kitchen I wanted has still not appeared inside my dorm room; but one by Isa and Terry, who wrote Veganomicon, my newest bookshelf addition.

If you're like me, you will want to run to your fridge and figure out what you can do to satisfy your sudden sweet craving!

Berry Creme Tart